Why Lean Fails

Why Lean Fails

Global competition is at such a dynamic level that any day lost without operations improvement imperils the company’s economic livelihood.  To out pace the aggressive environment, companies must create a competitive advantage that establishes greater stakeholder value through radical improvements in product and process.  One of the most prominent methods currently being utilized by many companies to…

Practical Implementation of Lean Into Transactional Process Environments

5 Key Area’s • Using Lean concepts to bring operational efficiencies to the business in a short time-frame • Focusing effort on areas that are perceived to have high fixed costs • Maximizing the value from existing processes before re-engineering • Measuring process capacity and identifying waste • Providing leaders with the right information to manage operational…

Finding & Managing Bottlenecks in Process Plants

Finding & Managing Bottlenecks in Process Plants

One of the primary objectives of Lean is to achieve smooth continuous flow of material through the process.  If there are bottlenecks within your process, they can inhibit flow, cause inventories, and prevent throughput from matching customer demand (Takt). In order to make progress towards Lean goals, bottleneck resources must be identified, managed and improved. From a…


When “Information” Becomes “Noise”

It seems that every day brings with it a new way to pass information – some to varying degrees of want. With a constant stream of data and touch-points, when does it all become a blended and deafening cacophony of “noise”?  How can one “squelch” out the static and focus on that which is truly important?  How…