Barrier of Complacency to Competitive Advantage

To remain competitive in the market requires management to take an active role in recognizing and acknowledging that the business environment is changing daily.  As Sullivan and Harper (1996) explain, “Today, we face fundamental shifts in technology, markets, human resource development, global distribution, information management, government intervention, and other critical dimensions of the strategic environments in…

Why Lean Fails

Why Lean Fails

Global competition is at such a dynamic level that any day lost without operations improvement imperils the company’s economic livelihood.  To out pace the aggressive environment, companies must create a competitive advantage that establishes greater stakeholder value through radical improvements in product and process.  One of the most prominent methods currently being utilized by many companies to…

Sustainable Operations Excellence

With global competition at such a dynamic level that any day lost without operations improvement imperils the company’s economic position; the status quo simply leads to failure.  In order to out pace this competitive environment, companies are implementing strategies to establish competitive advantage as a low cost producer or as a stand out through product differentiation.  The…