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How one approach to M&A is more likely to create value than all others

Two decades of research show that, while large deals still have their place, programmatic M&A strategies continue to create gains in excess total returns to shareholders, at lower levels of risk. M&A is having a moment—again. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has had to adjust its premerger review process to manage the tidal wave…


The Outliers Inn; German Waste Disposal, Food Waste, Logistics

Topic:  JP shares his challenges with a recent move of premises.  Many of the frustrations involve the discarding of waste in Germany; the myriad of bins and methods of discarding and the confusions that go with their use is but one of the challenges.  The biggest challenge, besides JP holding the opinion that his landlords were assholes…


Lessons from the military on creating highly effective teams

‘Leadership by intent’ has been described as the leadership technique that can best contribute to making organisations more adaptable and effective. That it can create an environment of employee empowerment. That it can help businesses thrive in environments that are increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. In this article, I describe what leadership by intent…

Are You Working to Best in Class Performance?

Are your operations achieving best-in-class operating performance? As corporate earnings continue to show good growth and the great recession falls further into the past, adverse results may be creeping into operating performance levels while businesses emphasize top line growth.  Understanding what best in class performance is for today’s operations and how our improvement efforts affect…

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Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?

Behavioral economist, Dan Ariely reveals why the dismal science of economics is not as firmly grounded in actual behavior as was once supposed. And, in this TED talk, he examines the motivations behind our drive to work. In doing so, he presents two eye-opening experiments that reveal our unexpected and nuanced attitudes toward meaning in our…