Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter – January 2021
Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2022/23 Holiday Edition Monthly Musing As we complete another circuit around the sun, we find ourselves reflective of the year’s hard-fought battles won and lost, of loves arrived and departed, and of our professional successes and disappointments. With rebuilding spirit and energy, we look with great anticipation…
January, 2020 Monthly Musing “Press on! For in the grave there is no work and no device. Press on! While yet you may.“ Nathaniel Parker Willis Founder’s Corner Leaving a Positive and Indelible Mark As we get older, it’s interesting what we recall from our youth and the impact it had upon…
Helping companies to become high-performance organizations Operational Excellence By Design SM May 2020 Monthly Musing “In the Legion, you march or you die” – Unofficial Motto of the French Foreign Legion Founder’s Corner COVID-19; Blame is for God and Small Children Unless you are…
Operational Excellence By DesignTM 2023 Nov/Dec Holiday Edition Monthly Musing Connecting With Us Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris Considering the Entire Employee Lifecycle This article explores the 10 Steps of the employee lifecycle; from recruitment through off-boarding (whether this is by promotion or separation) and the efforts and actions that can…
Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2023 March Monthly Musing Connecting With Us Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris Culture Change; What is it and why change it? The subject of “culture change” has been a topic at many conferences on Operational Excellence over the past several years. But the conversation always seems to…
Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2022 September Monthly Musing Connecting With Us Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris Time to rethink Just-In-Time Just-In-Time is an approach to managing inventory flows. The basic premise is that product is not manufactured or procured unless there is a demand for it from the end-customer. For the…