Outliers Inn; Changing of the Guard

This will be a bitter-sweet episode at The Outliers Inn.  It’s the episode where Antlerboy (aka Benjamin Taylor) announces his retirement from pouring drinks and serving slop as co-host at the Inn.  Between his part-time gig at the Inn and his other interests and pursuits (including running his companies, other podcasts that he produces, and writing a book), the time constraints have become more than obvious, and he regrettably has to step out from behind the bar.

We start by taking a walk down memory lane.  It all started on November 3rd, 2014. This was the day that Tom Magliozzi, co-host of “Car Talk”, was recalled to that great junk yard in the sky, to be joyfully reunited with all his previous vehicles. 

Although the corpus delicti of Antlerboy as co-host is still warm, we are happy to introduce David “Mule” Schneider as the new co-host at The Outliers Inn.  David shares a bit about himself, starting with the details of his being involved supporting STEM at the high school level by coaching and leading “robotics” as a high-school sport.  Mule’s expertise in logistics and warehousing has kept him incredibly busy over the COVID pandemic as the rush to ecommerce created a huge demand for his skills.

So, as the Great Bard, William Shakespeare wrote in Romeo and Juliet; “Parting is such sweet sorrow.”  We all thank Antlerboy for his helping found and build the Outliers Inn and he has promised to grace the establishment from time to time.  And those who remain are all better off for having had the opportunity to hoist a drink together with him and share insights into life’s goings-on.

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