
Are you High Mix and Low Volume? Do you have poor forecasts? Predictive analytics can still help – with a few tweaks!

Introduction: The authors were faced with a mounting problem:  Sales forecasts were continuing to deteriorate and Corporate was mandating a traditional application of Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP).   This application relied on forecasts and static data.  Static data is sufficient where forecasts and run-rates are consistent, though that is simply not the case in the…

Case Study: Operational Excellence Audits as Key Driver

Background: From 1987 until 2009 I was CEO of Interbake Foods, a food processing company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. We competed in four business segments: Girl Scout cookies, contract manufacturing for branded companies, private label cookies sold to retailers, and baked ingredients for ice cream processors (primarily ice cream sandwich cookies and cones). Interbake had…

How a Dashboard Transformed Technical Leads

How a Dashboard Transformed Technical Leads

Alpha Corporation is an influential, complex regulatory organization where technical leads have been turned into effective project managers using a simple data-driven dashboard.  The corporation now consistently and quickly delivers value-added, low-risk software in support of its business mission. On a daily basis, the senior Vice President (VP) of Technology meets with key project managers (PMs)…