Why do Some Dashboards Succeed While Others Fail?

Why do Some Dashboards Succeed While Others Fail?

At a recent Gov 2.0 Summit, Ellen Miller, a recipient of prestigious technology accolades and an advocate for Open Government who promotes the use of technology to increase transparency, said that the data in the USASpending.gov dashboard “is almost useless”. Miller stated that some numbers on this dashboard are “over reporting, under reporting, and not reporting”*,…

How a Dashboard Transformed Technical Leads

How a Dashboard Transformed Technical Leads

Alpha Corporation is an influential, complex regulatory organization where technical leads have been turned into effective project managers using a simple data-driven dashboard.  The corporation now consistently and quickly delivers value-added, low-risk software in support of its business mission. On a daily basis, the senior Vice President (VP) of Technology meets with key project managers (PMs)…