Continuous Improvement: A Fighter Pilot’s Culture of High Performance

Eighty percent of all change initiatives fail.  As you might imagine, that is a shocking statistic for those responsible for investing in change initiatives. So what works?  Companies of any size can reap the rewards of a fighter pilot’s Culture of Performance by driving a culture focused on performance, execution and excellence. A rapidly changing…

The Operational Excellence Manifesto

The Operational Excellence Manifesto

“Operational Excellence is a state of readiness that is attained as the efforts throughout the organization reach a state of alignment for achieving its strategies; and where the corporate culture is committed to the continuous and deliberate improvement of company performance AND the circumstances of those who work there – to pursue ‘Operational Excellence by…

‘Soft Stuff’ has EVERYTHING to do with Bottom Line

What separates an effective organization from an organization that just shifts from one management fad to another? Substance vs. Form. In a high-performance organization, one can never successfully sell the ‘soft stuff’, the latest management concepts, or the latest technology on their own merits. One has to make the connection to the financial bottom line. The…

21st Century Change Agent: The CEO as a Social Architect by Stephen Long

Transformation efforts fail due to many reasons. Usually there’s a lack of urgency, or executives underestimate the power of resistance or are just too complacent. The bottom line is that most CEOs fail to master change-agent skills. The 21st Century is proving to be a turbulent, volatile era and chief executives who’ll successfully lead their organizations…

High Performing Organizations & Lean Six Sigma; Achieving Dramatic & Sustainable Results by Carey “Vixen” Lohrenz

Carey Lohrenz here. 80% of all Continuous Improvement programs fail. Ouch! That’s a lot of time, money and energy down the drain! How do you prevent this from happening in your organization?

Force Multipliers for High Performing Teams

Force Multipliers for High Performing Teams

John Borneman here. In today’s rapidly changing business environment “solid” teamwork is critical for delivering outstanding results. To truly achieve extraordinary results your team needs to lock on to key best practices or what we call Force Multipliers. Below are four critical Force Multipliers that can help make your team a High Performing Team.