Operational Excellence Webinar Series – Lessons from the military on creating highly effective teams

Operational Excellence Webinar Series – Lessons from the military on creating highly effective teams

The Operational Excellence Society is proudly hosting its latest online business educational initiative, coined the Operational Excellence Webinar series. This webinar’s thought leader is Frederick Fladmark, from the Norwegian Armed Forces. Date & Time : Thursday, May 9, 2019 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM (EDT) Webinar Abstract Learn how to create effective teams that grow your business,…

sales organizations

The Outliers Inn; High Performing Sales Organizations

Welcome to Episode 36 of the Outliers Inn – High Performing Sales Organizations with Michael Webb Topic: Joining AntlerBoy and JP today at the Outliers Inn is Michael Webb, President of Sales Performance Consultants.  Michael will share the wisdom he has gained working in sales; from his start at Borroughs Corporation, and Rockwell Automation before founding…


Lessons from the military on creating highly effective teams

‘Leadership by intent’ has been described as the leadership technique that can best contribute to making organisations more adaptable and effective. That it can create an environment of employee empowerment. That it can help businesses thrive in environments that are increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. In this article, I describe what leadership by intent…

Readiness Institute’s Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System (Learning Platform and Curriculum)

The Operational Excellence has noticed that business improvement projects follow a predictable pattern. The company initiates a program in an operational unit. Within a short time, it scores easy victories and realizes gains. This justifies deploying additional resources to continue the positive trend. But after the low-hanging fruit is gathered, the program often stalls and…

State of Readiness – Operational Excellence as Precursor to becoming a High-Perforamnce Organization

The company of today has its supply chains and finances stretched further around the globe than ever before while simultaneously having increasing pressures to drive value across a complicated and fluid set of metrics and deliver innovations, products, and services more quickly and reliably. The competitive advantage belongs to the companies that can quicken their…

You Are Unique, but Not Special

You Are Unique, but Not Special

In my article, “Build Organizational Capacity and Capability – For Free”, I listed several root-causes for training and education programs reaching a “stall speed” and a detailed approach for avoiding it.  Among the root-causes listed were; time, expense, work/learning balance, scalability, retention rate, and atrophy. But there is considerable risk to the program even prior…