CLUBLINK Life – Golf Fundamentals for Business – Spring 2016

XONITEK Chairman and Founder of the OpEx Society, Joseph Paris shares here his views on the relevance and importance of operational excellence as it relates to golf – as seen in the Spring 2016 edition of CLUBLINK Life. Download PDF Read the original article by Joseph Paris here: “Business Lessons Learned from Playing Golf“

Analytics-based Enterprise and Corporate Performance Management (EPM/CPM)

Many organizations are far from where they want and need to be with improving performance, and they apply intuition, rather than fact-based data, when making decisions. Enterprise and corporate performance and management (EPM/CPM) is now viewed as the seamless integration of managerial methods such as strategy execution with a strategy map and its companion balanced…

Harvard Business Review

The Next Wave of Hospital Innovation to Make Patients Safer

After a 1999 report revealed that upto 98,000 patients die in hospitals annually due to medical errors that could have been prevented, the attempt at improving health care has become a central goal in clinical, research, government and political arenas. With medical errors still being a pervasive problem, the healthcare industry is pressed to address this issue through…

Harvard Business Review

Don’t Let Your Company Culture Just Happen

Alexander Osterwald, Yves Pigneur & Kavi Guppta examines why 7 out of 10 employees are not actively engaged at work. HBR collectively believes the answer has everything to do with the culture of a company- being the formal and informal values, behaviors, and beliefs practiced therein. The fact is that very few companies intentionally work on their culture, that…


Leading with Lean

Steve Jobs once said: “Be a Yardstick of Quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected” Therefore a Quality Mind-set will only pervade the organisation when the Leadership actively models the behaviour. Only by living the approach to Quality that they desire can Leaders truly drive the change to a Culture…