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Control Supresses Engagement
I know a successful global corporation where the Employee Engagement scores consistently range between 20 to 30 percent, and sometimes reach 40. Whatever new training or policies they institute, Engagement stays stuck. However, one division has Engagement scores in the 90s. No one elsewhere understands, even when it is explained to them. What’s present in the one division that’s…
Realizing the Value in Business Processes
I had a very busy May with speaking engagements at the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) NJ Due Diligence Conference followed by the ACG-NY Manufacturing & Logistics Conference and wrapping it up by delivering a paper on Operational Excellence at the Institute for Industrial Engineers (IIE) Annual Conference in Vancouver. The underlying theme of all…
Government; Has the need but lacks the will, even the want.
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Redefining the role of the leader in the reskilling era
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Artificial Intelligence and Continuous Improvement
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