open mic night

The Outliers Inn; Another Open Mic Night

Welcome to Episode 30 of The Outliers InnAnother Open Mic Night 

Another “Open Mic Night” at The Outliers Inn.  Listen in on Antlerboy and JP as they discuss the Women’s World Cup; Renowned Transdisciplinary Behavioural Strategist, Organisational Misbehaviourist, and Ironist, Richard Claydon; and data privacy in the context of cyber security. We start with the discussion of soccer and the recent win of the Women’s World Cup by the American team.  We ponder (well, mostly JP wonders), why the Europeans can field several successful men’s soccer teams and the States can’t, especially considering the population of the States and Europe are about the same.  And we discuss Richard Claydon and his “cracking of the LinkedIn algorithm” for getting your posts (and you) recognized.

And for the more serious content, our call-in guest, Malu, discusses data privacy in the context of cyber-security.  We investigate the difference between data privacy and cyber-security and the consideration of whether the data is “outside the wall versus inside the wall.”  The difficulties in regulation and regulation “harmonization” in an attempt to avoid the Balkanization of the Internet including the (nonsense of) GDPR and the various ways people can get to content to which they are otherwise blocked, the deal with “Cookies” and whether people really care (whatever) and, if so, to what extent.

So, pull-up a seat, pour your favourite beverage, and listen Inn!

Listen now!

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