Monthly Newsletter

Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter – May 2022

Operational Excellence
By DesignSM
2022 May
Monthly Musing
Editor’s Special Edition
This is Special Edition of the “Operational Excellence by Design” eNewsletter, published by the Operational Excellence Society .
With over 1,000,000 followers and over 25,000 subscribers to our eNewsletter, we are the “center of gravity” for the discipline.
Ours is the most extensive source of wisdom available in the world for those who wish to improve themselves and their organizations.
And we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to all the highest-quality content we have to offer; and it’s all free.
Connecting With Us
Founder’s Corner
The “Operational Excellence Society” and this eNewsletter were born from the Operational Excellence Group on LinkedIn, which was created by Joseph Paris in 2008.
The intent which we have achieved and strive to maintain has always been to be the intellectual authority of the discipline.

Body of Knowledge
The Operational Excellence Society seeks original content to add to our “Body of Knowledge” from our constituents and industry experts from around the globe and across industry who want to share their experience in the form of articles, case-studies, and research papers.
Thought Food
Within our Body of Knowledge, readers will find a special section called Thought Food”; which contains the aggregated insights from credible and respected sources we believe is of value to our audience. And we believe you will agree.
The Operational Excellence Society produces and sponsors podcasts and are especially proud of our podcast series below; each of which has a unique purpose from the insightful and rather serious to the insightful and less serious.
A “fireside chat” with industry and thought leaders who share their journey and experiences.
Insights into what it takes to get product from an origination to a destination.
A light-hearted and open forum for sharing life’s less typical and humorous goings-on.
Book Store
If you are looking to build your professional library or just need a book on a specific subject; we vet and select books for inclusion in our bookstore that are “best in class” based on genre. All orders are fulfilled by Amazon.
Learning Opportunities
Would YOU like to share your passions with others and lead a roundtable discussion? Share your thoughts with your peers from around the world? Now’s your chance to do just that.
Joseph Paris, Founder of the Operational Excellence Society, will be delivering a keynote address.
Bringing Academia and Industry together, the conference aims to provide a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and recent developments in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
Building Awareness of Your OpEx/CI Offerings
Extend Your Reach…
The Operational Excellence Society is the center of gravity for the discipline and its reach is almost 1,000,000 people.
Our audience:
 – 80% have budgetary and P/L authority; 
 – 55% work at companies with greater than 1,000 employees and 
 – 30% working at companies with greater than 10,000 employees.
We offer a variety of services including; marketing strategy development, content creation, podcast production, social media campaigns and outreach, and much, much, more.
Contact us if you would like to share your ambitions and discuss how we can partner to get your offering in front of people who are interested in how you can drive value to them.
Featured Sponsor: eschbach
A serial contributor to the Operational Excellence Society, Andreas Eschbach, President of eschbach GmbH, is a thought leader who shares his insights on the future of OEE in a collection of articles.
Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System
Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System
You can’t become a high-performance organization without having the capacity and capability to deliver – and this is especially true when it comes to your most important assets – your team.
The Readiness Institute’s education and training system is world-class and is accredited for continuing education credits. It’s integrated learning approach will maximize the retention of the knowledge and, if our prescriptive approach is followed, will never be a cost to your organization.
Click below to receive your free copy of the Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System (OpEx-ERS) white-paper and module guide.
Operational Excellence Program Design and Deployment
Operational Excellence Program Design and Deployment
They say that “up to 70% of Operational Excellence and Continuous improvement programs fail.”  
Don’t be one of them. Be the exception, not the rule.
“Fail to plan, plan to fail.” To help you, your program, and your company to be successful, XONITEK has created a Program Architecting Whitepaper where you will find the best practices for the planning stage of an OpEx/CI program.
If you follow our prescriptive approach, the roll-out of your program will almost be anti-climactic.
Even if you already have a program, you can use it as a benchmark to see how your efforts compare.
Click below to receive a copy of our 20+ page Best-Practices Program Architecting Whitepaper.
Interim Talent
Get the Help You Need…
Sometimes we get caught because of an unplanned separation of an employee who was performing a key role in the company or project. Sometimes we have a short-term need for an experienced specialist to help push through a deliverable.
But time is the enemy. This is not a situation where you can take the time to recruit. The need is now, and help is available.
Trust Me… I’m an Engineer
Our “Trust Me, I’m an Engineer” has been a long-time favorite of our readers. And fortunately, it seems that there is a never ending stream of absurdities (without duplicates) that will make you go “huh?!” So, rest assured, we will keep ’em comin’.
Sponsors and Professional Organizations
Business and Operations Management Consulting
Your Education and Training Center
Association for
Corporate Growth
Contact the Editor
“Thank you for being a valued reader. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments related to this publication – or if you might be interested in submitting article for consideration in our eNewsletter.”
PO Box 2554, 270 W Pearl Ave,
Suite 103, Jackson, WY 83001

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