Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter – March 2020

March, 2020

Monthly Musing

“Do what you can, with what you got, from where you are.” – Teddy Roosevelt
“Readiness is not about when things go right, but what you do when things go wrong.” – Joseph Paris



Founder’s Corner

Never let a serious crisis go to waste




In an interview with the Wall Street Journal on November 19,2008, Rahm Emanuel was quoted as saying; “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that [is] it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not before.”
He was referring to the crisis that was to become known as the “Great Recession” that gripped much of the world, hitting hardest from 2007-2008. It was a period when millions of people lost their homes to foreclosure, nearly countless businesses declared bankruptcy; many being household names such as General Motors and Chrysler – along with a great number of financial institutions.
As mortgage backed securities began to cascade into failure, the sense of urgency began to build with the Federal Reserve steadily reducing rates starting in September of 2007 to stave-off a recession. But the trigger event for the Great Recession was the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September of 2008.
This sent a shockwave through the world’s financial system of such magnitude that its depth, breadth, and speed found the world’s financiers and governments on their back-foot, scrambling to catch-up and hoping to get ahead of it. The response was sometimes coordinated, but too often disjointed.

by Joseph Paris


Need a High-Energy Expert Speaker?

In these challenging times,
are you and your company Ready?
Thousands of people from around the world have benefited from attending the

State of Readiness Masterclass and Workshop
I am Joseph Paris; and I share my thoughts about how companies can become high-performance organizations by using operational excellence to be in a state of readiness.
 In addition to my masterclass and workshop, contact me if you need a dynamic and impactful speaker to deliver a keynote, or plenary/breakout session for your corporate event or conference.  I am also an experienced event chairperson, panelist or panel moderator.


Click here
 to receive a copy of Joseph’s biography
 the outline of his State of Readiness Masterclass & Workshop!


Featured Article

People-Centric Digitalization


Technology is everywhere; pervasive and inescapable. Intended to make lives and work easier, less boring, and safer, while simultaneously accelerating the ways we interact with one another and doing business. But as with the introduction of anything “new”, there is a level of anxiety that is felt by the people the technology will touch. It’s a difficult balance. And if the balance is not achieved, the people will be resistant.

In the process industry, fewer people are required to produce ever more product. It’s not that there are fewer employees on the shop floor. Rather, the increases in efficiencies and capacity of the production equipment – combined with the automation of many processes and operations – is resulting in greater production per person. In a word, “productivity”.

ation and it being received in a timely and complete manner.


by Andreas Eschbach

OpEx Enterprise Readiness System


You can’t become a 

high-performance organization without


having the
capacity and capability to deliver – and this is especially true when it comes to your team.


The Readiness Institute’s education and training system is world-class and is
accredited for continuing education credits.  It’s
integrated learning approach will maximize the retention of the knowledge and, if our prescriptive approach is followed, will
never be a cost to your organization.
Click here to receive your
FREE copy of the Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System (
white-paper and module guide.


Featured Article

Lean Busy vs Ignorant Overload Bliss

One of the biggest challenges of a Lean Transformation is to create the ‘Vision of Excellence’; what should we aim to achieve over the coming years, what is possible?

This is often problematic because the majority of people in the organisation ‘don’t know what they don’t know’; that is, they haven’t seen what truly Operationally excellent companies look like, and hence cannot envision what the size of their opportunity really is.

A great way of seeing what world class looks like is through the attendance of best practice visits to operationally excellent companies on what are called Kaikaku experiences


by Phillip Holt

Operational Excellence Program Architecting Whitepaper

They say that up to
70% of Operational Excellence and Continuous improvement programs
Don’t be one of them.  
Be the exception, not the rule.


Fail to plan, plan to fail.”
To help you, your program, and your company to be successful, XONITEK has created a Program Architecting Whitepaper where you will find the best practices for the planning stage of an OpEx/CI program.
Even if you already have a program, you can use it as a benchmark to see how your efforts compare.
Click here to receive a copy of our 20+ page best-practices Program Architecting white-paper.



Thought Food





Economist Logo

A Taste of “Readiness”


Time… Is the enemy of the 21st century company.


And the
competitive advantage will go to the company that is in a
State of Readiness and can;
see further beyond the horizon,
recognize opportunities and threats
devise and deploy decisive
responses faster, and
knows its capacity and capability to engage its strategies.


“State of Readiness” has been
reviewed and endorsed by senior leaders at some of the
most respected companies in the world.  So, consider buying my book if you or your organization want to
“Get Ready, Be Ready, and Stay Ready”.
Click here to learn more and get a “sneak peek”



Trust me…



Connect with Us

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Sponsored Content Offering

The Operational Excellence Society is the center of gravity for the discipline and has a reach of almost 750,000 people.
A breakdown of our constituents shows;
  – 80% have P&L authority; 
  – 70% work at companies with greater
     than 1,000 employees and 
  – 30% work at companies with greater
     than 10,000 employees
Contact us if you would like to discuss our
full-spectrum of vehicles for helping you to
build awareness
of your offerings.


Click here
 to receive our Media Kit.



Our guest for this edition shares the experiences and wisdom he has gained from his over 20 years in a variety of business; from his beginnings at GE to his present role at Cigna.  In particular we explore how his dual Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Psychology were particularly useful in getting individuals to work better in teams.



Episode 48 – Robots, Beer, Cash for Consultants, & Team Effectiveness.

This session starts off serious with Antlerboy sharing some rather serious endeavors he is launching.  But the guests (mercifully) come to visit and breathe life back into the conversation with talks of; robot competitions, beer (again), heaps of cash for consultants in the UK, and the tragedy of a video being removed from YouTube causing one of our guests to actually do work.


Click to Listen Now!


OpEx Vault

“So – Are you telling me you’re going out of business…?”





This is a question that I recently felt compelled to flat-out ask a COO of a publicly traded Fortune 500 company in response to a series of comments he made to me during an interview.


His shocked response was,
“Of course not…!”


There was obviously a disconnect someplace.



Stay Ready.

Professional Organizations

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Contact the Editor


Thank you for being a valued reader.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments related to this publication – or if you might be interested in submitting article for consideration in 
our eNewsletter.”


Matt Newnham – Editor





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