The Outliers Inn; Robots, Beer, Cash for Consultants, and Team Effectiveness

This session starts off serious with Antlerboy sharing some rather serious endeavors he is launching.  But the guests (mercifully) come to visit and breathe life back into the conversation with talks of; robot competitions, beer (again), heaps of cash for consultants in the UK, and the tragedy of a video being removed from YouTube causing one of our guests to actually do work.

The episode starts off rather professional (read dry) with Antlerboy introducing some of his new endeavors.  He introduces two new podcasts; “Joy in Work; The public service transformation” and “Transduction; the systems complexity and cybernetics” – neither of which pose any competition to The Outliers Inn (not even close).  And he also shares another project; Requisite Agility managing change and uncertainty (, where “requisite” is required by the nature of things and “agility” being the ability to successfully adapt, cope, or exploit changing situations.

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