Harvard Business Review

Clusters and the New Economics of Competition

by Michael E. Porter From the Magazine (November-December 1998) Now that companies can source capital, goods, information, and technology from around the world, often with the click of a mouse, much of the conventional wisdom about how companies and nations compete needs to be overhauled. In theory, more open global markets and faster transportation and communication…

Harvard Business Review

Hire Leaders for What They Can Do, Not What They Have Done

Summary; The next time you are filling a leadership role, ask yourself three questions. First, does the candidate have the skills to be a high-performing contributor or the skills to be an effective leader? The performance level of individual contributors is measured largely through their ability, likability, and drive. Leadership, by contrast, demands a broader…

McKinsey & Company logo

Return as a muscle: How lessons from COVID-19 can shape a robust operating model for hybrid and beyond

New research shows how resilient organizations thrived through the pandemic. Here’s how to use those lessons to craft a better approach to how work gets done across time (real and asynchronous) and space (digital and physical). In May 2020, we published an article arguing that the return to the workplace was a new muscle that organizations…

State of Readiness; Brent Gleeson; Navy SEAL and Author of “Taking Point” and “Embrace the Suck”

State of Readiness; Brent Gleeson; Navy SEAL and Author of “Taking Point” and “Embrace the Suck”

Today I invite back to “State of Readiness”, Brent Gleeson, a Navy SEAL combat veteran and serial entrepreneur. In addition to being a best-selling author of “Taking Point” and his new release, “Embrace the Suck“, Brent has leveraged the principles of leadership, discipline, accountability and resiliency learned in training and applied down range for building…

Harvard Business Review

You Don’t Have to Be CEO to Be a Visionary Leader

Summary. Creating a unifying vision for an organization is a fundamental skill for leaders. A simple, bold, inspirational vision can feel almost magical: it brings people throughout the company together around a common goal and provides a focal point for developing strategies to achieve a better future. Unfortunately, however, building a vision has become more…

“Nomads at Last” – Redux

“Nomads at Last” – Redux

It’s January 2020.  I have just made a pitch to the corporate big-wigs for a way to reduce their real-estate costs (premises including rent and utilities), their corporate travel costs, even their carbon footprint using the latest telephony and collaborative applications.  I postulate that they will even see an increase in productivity while improving their…