Harvard Business Review

Virtual Meetings Don’t Have to Be a Bore

As working from home become part of a new normal and social distancing is something the world has to learn to practice, virtual meetings are replacing physical meetings in every business of every kind. It could be said that virtual meetings can be painfully boring but, at as Andy Molinsky, writing the Harvard Business Review…


Reading is fundamental, but comprehension is important too

The art of debate has devolved.  No longer is it used as a tool of discovery, understanding, reconciliation, and progress.  Today, it is a tool used to beat one another into submission – with the wholesale surrender of the beliefs and values held by one party over the other being the goal. What’s worse, the…

The Outliers Inn; Leftovers, obvious problems, and frustrations

The Outliers Inn; Leftovers, obvious problems, and frustrations

Topic: Business Owners get the leftovers and – unrelated – how it sucks to get old and looking for a job. The issue has been settled.  The Outliers Inn will no longer take reservations, but rely solely on walk-ins.  From this day forth, we will rely on the eccentricity of our audience and their eclectic interests,…