continuous improvement

Continuous Improvement Capability: Has the training worked?

CONTENT PARTNER CONTRIBUTION As seen in the Jun-2015 edition of the Lean Management Journal Continuous Improvement (CI) is a well-established concept within organisations. Many have developed elaborate CI strategies and transformation programmes. However, in our opinion, there is a fundamental problem that advocates of CI need to address. How successful have we been as a…

Harvard Business Review

What MIT Is Learning About Online Courses and Working from Home

“Virtual work” is increasingly just “work” for most of us – whether we’re dialing into a conference call with our branch offices in London and New York, or VPN-ing in from home to catch up with work after-hours, remote work is the new normal. But Peter Hirst is helping to lead MIT into a new…

Operational Freedom: Trust and Independence in an Education System

Finnish Railways ran with steam power until the late 1960s. The cockpit of the locomotive offered a workplace for two: the engine driver and the shovel man. The shovel man’s duty was to continuously shovel coal to the red-hot mouth of the furnace to keep the engine steaming. The century-long idyll of the two man…

TED Logo

Why massive open online courses (still) matter

Education innovator, Anant Agarwal is pairing online education with face-to-face student-faculty interactions, with the purpose of reshaping the university campus experience. As the head of edX, he makes the case in this significant TED talk that MOOCs still matter — after the hype in 2013 was followed by some disappointing results. Agarwal means that massive open online…