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Anna Mracek Dietrich: A Plane you can Drive

Inventor, Anna Mracek Dietrich is one of the creators behind the Transition; the “plane you can drive”. The Terrafugia Transition is a two-seat, single-engine airplane that functions like any other small airplane. Only, once on the ground, users can fold up the wings and drive it home. In this TED-Talk, Dietrich provides insight into the…

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Matt Ridley: When Ideas have Sex

Matt Ridley, author of the book The Rational Optimist sweeps the entire arc of human history to powerfully argue that “prosperity comes from everybody working for everybody else”. It’s our habit of trade, idea-sharing and specialization that has created the collective brain which set human living standards on a rising trend. In this TEDGlobal talk Ridley…

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Air-Conditioning: Keeping Cool and Green

The future holds good news for those who like to remain comfortable. Recent technological developments in the air-conditioning climate control industry indicate that society is in for some slightly more environmentally responsible, financially savvy, air conditioning in the future. Most of our current air conditioners use refrigerants in order to operate. However, these involve high…