
The Employee Vs. the Organization

Sounds like some sort of a media driven grudge match between two heavyweight prize fighters?  It is – based in large measure on my own challenging experience working for 15 companies over the course of 30 years – but as an HR Director, I’m also telling this story from thousands of varying perspectives, through the eyes…

The Economist Logo

Men still pick “blue” jobs and women “pink” jobs

The Economist poses the question: Does it matter that the labour market is so sex-segregated? To formulate an answer, it shares statistics that reveal how  every year, a few women become the first of their sex to hold a particular job – and that that is in fact, currently, no longer the case. This article examines…

The Immeasurable value of Intellectual Capital

The Immeasurable value of Intellectual Capital

Your most valuable business asset may not be the raw materials, cash reserves, or even the technology found within your company. It’s the knowledge of the people on your team. Yet a good number of executives overlook the value of this collective knowledge, commonly called Intellectual Capital. Case in point: Several years ago, I attended…

integrated learning

Build Organizational Capacity and Capability – For Free

I was coaching one of the national oil companies in the Middle East, offering mentorship to the director of their operational excellence program.  He was frustrated because he had invested considerable funds building a team of sixty Lean Six Sigma Black Belts over a nine-month period, and they had not yet worked on—much less completed—any…


Sustainability contest: System vs. Human

According to the BTOES Nov 2017 Operational Excellence survey, sustainability is the biggest focus area for Operational excellence in the coming year, how should this be achieved? Through a system based approach or through a human-centered focus? What do we mean by a human-centered focus for sustainability? There are several elements to a human based…