Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter – August 2019

August 2019

Monthly Musing

We are in the “Dog Days of Summer”, the period between early July and early September.  The origin of the phrase is from the heliacal rising of Sirius, also known as the Dog Star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog).  It’s the hottest period of the year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) and by all accounts, this summer was one of the hottest.  Hope you all had time to relax and recharge – because it’s back to work in just a week!




Founder’s Corner

I took a break from writing in August so that I could develop and refine a new Masterclass and Workshop for Emotional Intelligence (sometimes referred to as EQ).  Among the reference books that I used was “The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book”.  Written by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, it was one of the first books of its kind on the subject – and one I recommend to gain a base of understanding.
In looking for materials on how to engage socially and collaborate, I decided to look further into one of my more favorite tools, Red-Teaming.  In these efforts, I came I also came across three PDF which are approved for public release and whose distribution is unlimited;
  • “The Red Team Handbook” from the University of Foreign and Cultural Studies.
  • “Red Teaming Guide” from the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence
  • “A Simple Handbook for Non-Traditional Red Teaming” from the Australian Department of Defence
I am sure you will find them all to be interesting reads and invaluable references for those interested in Emotional Intelligence and the role it plays in pursuing a “State of Readiness” and becoming a high-performance organization.
Click here for more
by Joseph Paris


Readiness Institute: Greenbelt-PLUS

Greenbelt-PLUS Training & Certification
Oct 10, 2019 – Jan 14, 2020 | Online Event
The Readiness Institute is offering diligents an opportunity to enhance not only their organizational capability and capacity – but to improve core leadership, communication, and project management skills.
The Greenbelt-PLUS training and certification course is designed for those seeking to accomplish more in less time, and provides exactly that. Click below for more information, and be sure to register in advance.

Featured Events

State of Readiness Workshop
Sept 12 – 13, 2019 | Omaha, NE
The Operational Excellence Society, together with the Iowa Lean Consortium, are excited to invite you to join us for this unique 2-day Masterclass and Workshop based on the groundbreaking book, “State of Readiness” by Joseph Paris.

State of Readiness Masterclass & Workshop
2nd Annual Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Summit
Nov 6, 7, 8, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Join Joseph Paris preceding the main Summit, for his highly- regarded Masterclass & Workshop. As a participant, you will receive a signed copy of the book, “State of Readiness”, and dinner and drinks are also included.


Then, from November 7 – 8, you are invited to join us at the main Summit. Key industry leaders will share their insights, and grant you the opportunity to gain and discuss Business Transformation and Operational Excellence experience.




Thought Food


Building Awareness with the
Operational Excellence Society

Operational Excellence is…

Trust me…


Contact the Editor


“Thank you for being a valued reader. 
Please feel free to contact me if you have any
questions or comments related to this publication – or if you might be interested in
an article for consideration in 
our eNewsletter.”



                 Gretchen Lubbe – Editor


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         Past Webinar

Strategic Financial and Operations Performance Management

Leading in tough times – The Role of Systems Thinking 

Lessons from the military on creating highly effective teams 


In this episode, I welcome Michael Rabbitt, Head of Business Transformation, Argonne National Laboratory, a world-class research laboratory.  Having a BA in Operations Management and Information Systems and earning his MBA in Human Resource Management, Michael will share his journey; how his interests evolved over time, the experiences he gained in change management, and his observations and the changes he had to make in moving from the private sector (insurance) to the public sector (research).



The issue has been settled.  The Outliers Inn will no longer take reservations, but rely solely on walk-ins.  From this day forth, we will rely on the eccentricity of our audience and their eclectic interests, ideas, and opinions.
Antlerboy and RedQuadrant reached a milestone – 10yrs in business.  Congratulations are in order indeed.  We talk about the joys and fears of owning a business and how business owners get the “leftovers”.  We get the leftover money after everyone is paid, leftover time.  As Elon Musk said, we “dream of a vacation that is more than eMail with a view.”
Our first guest, Denis, shares how he has decided to leave his long tenure in the corporate world to start-off on his own (don’t do it!).  We discuss how most problems are obvious – all we have to do is capture the moments when we exclaim; “There must be a better way!”  We further debate the branding of programs; lean, six sigma, continuous improvement, and so on.
Joe shares his experience in joining the United States Army and eventually settling in Germany.  He shares his frustrations with getting large organizations to change, with the root-cause mostly being a culture of fear; a fear of making a mistake, a fear of rocking the boat, the fear of just having to endure nonsense that shouldn’t have to be endured.  He also shares his frustration with seeking a job when you are older 50 years old.

Listen now!

OpEx Vault

Have CIA Operatives Infiltrated Your Business?




Do you ever wonder why things don’t get done as quickly as they should?  Do things get lost in the shuffle?  Perhaps you find that you have to more closely supervise the people who are supposed to be doing the work?  Are decisions never made because they are perpetually being discussed?  Does work stop because someone forgot to do something?



Stay Ready.

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