Harvard Business Review

How to Move from Strategy to Execution

Summary. Three out of every five companies rate their organization as weak on strategy execution. When you dig into the potential barriers to implementation, there is a general lack of understanding of the various factors at play, resulting in the inevitable managerial justifications — “poor leadership,” “inadequate talent,” “lack of process excellence,” etc. This article…

The Age of Accelerating Strategy Breakthroughs

The Age of Accelerating Strategy Breakthroughs

Several months into a global pandemic, leading organizations are redefining expectations of what is possible. Consider how offices around the world shifted virtually overnight to digitally enabled remote work. Grocery retailers and restaurants rolled out new pickup and delivery services. Hospitals rapidly expanded telehealth options. Automakers, apparel makers, and mobile phone assemblers retooled on the…

3 Mistakes Change Leaders Make, Plus Essential Strategies to Avoid Them

Mistake 1: Leaders fail to prepare themselves for change I bet there’s not one person reading this article who is not experiencing some kind of change, whether in your work or personal life.  Regardless of the type of change, you’re often in the position of leading others through the change.  Your role involves helping others…