
The Outliers Inn; German Waste Disposal, Food Waste, Logistics

Topic:  JP shares his challenges with a recent move of premises.  Many of the frustrations involve the discarding of waste in Germany; the myriad of bins and methods of discarding and the confusions that go with their use is but one of the challenges.  The biggest challenge, besides JP holding the opinion that his landlords were assholes…

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Will Quantum Computers defeat Cryptogrophers?

Craig Costello uses mathematics to secure the digital world, both against the threats that exist today and those that may exist in the future. In this glimpse into our technological future, this cryptographer discusses the world-altering potential of quantum computers, which could shatter the limits set by today’s machines – and give code breakers a…

The Simplicity of Lean

The Simplicity of Lean

This is an except from Chapter-1, Introduction from my book, “The Simplicity of Lean”. Lean means many things to many people and its success or failure is important to a large number of stakeholders: customers, employees, management, shareholders, suppliers, and society as a whole. Is Lean a toolkit? Is it about cost saving? Is it…

Meetings: As certain and as joyous as death and taxes

Meetings: As certain and as joyous as death and taxes

There are very few people that actually enjoy meetings.  I have never heard anyone say, “I can’t wait for the meeting this afternoon” unless it’s followed by “I won’t have to eat at my desk.” Certainly, the people who are called to attend a meeting largely lack enthusiasm are energetic unless they, or their project,…

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The five trademarks of agile organizations

Our experience and research demonstrate that successful agile organizations consistently exhibit the five trademarks described in this article. The trademarks include a network of teams within a people-centered culture that operates in rapid learning and fast decision cycles which are enabled by technology, and a common purpose that co-creates value for all stakeholders. These trademarks complement…