Harvard Business Review

All the Ways Hiring Algorithms Can Introduce Bias

In today’s age, the question comes to fore: Do hiring algorithms prevent bias, or amplify it? This fundamental question has emerged as a point of tension between the technology’s proponents and its skeptics, but arriving at the answer is more complicated than it appears. HBR means that hiring is rarely a single decision, but rather…

Harvard Business Review

Using Algorithms to Understand the Biases in Your Organization

Algorithms have taken a lot of heat recently for producing biased decisions. People are outraged over a recruiting algorithm Amazon developed that overlooked female job applicants. Likewise, they are outraged over predictive policing and predictive sentencing that disproportionately penalize people of color. Importantly, race and gender were not included as inputs into any of these algorithms. Should we be outraged…

McKinsey & Company logo

The promise and challenge of the age of artificial intelligence

McKinsey & Co means that embracing AI promises considerable benefits for businesses and economies through its contributions to productivity growth and innovation. At the same time, AI’s impact on work is likely to be profound. Some occupations as well as demand for some skills will decline, while others grow and many change as people work…

artificual intelligence

Artificial Intelligence; The Next “Undiscovered Country”

In William Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” (usually referred to simply as “Hamlet”), the main character, Hamlet, uses the phrase “undiscovered country” to refer to what lies beyond the grave – the afterlife – and our lack of knowledge of it, and our fear of it.  As it is with death, so…


The Outliers Inn; Hemp, Cannabis, Maintenance, OpEx, Chemistry and Beer

Topic: An eclectic bunch of visitors visited The Outliers Inn sharing a myriad of challenges. It was another successful Open Mic Night at The Outliers Inn.  Word is spreading of the new format of having random call-in guests is taking hold with the guests being greater in number and in energy. We start with Antlerboy and…