Whether high school or college, students around the world are graduating. Some will go on to further their education, some will enter the job market – many for the first time. More likely than not, the job the get will not be their ideal job or their last job, but the beginning their journey of discovery. The risk is that we will settle and be stuck in a job we don’t enjoy and find unfulfilling. Life is too short to settle – so don’t. “If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life” – Confucius |
I just got off the golf course hitting 9-holes with my Pop, who is 84 years old. God bless him, I hope he has many more rounds to play and I look forward to getting out as often as I can with him. We played the
En-Joie Golf Club
; a stop on the
PGA Tour
from 1972 to 2005 when the
BC Open
was played there – and now, as the
Dick’s Sporting Goods Open
, which is a stop on the
Champions Tour
. It is unique in that the course is owned and operated by Broome County. This means that anyone off the street can play a PGA course for municipal rates, which top-out at $49 for 18-holes with a cart on summer weekends (it can be less, depending on date, day of the week, and time)… Read More |
Educational Webinar Series |
he Operational Excellence Society is proudly hosting its latest online business educational initiative, coined the Operational Excellence Webinar Series.
Joseph Paris – Lessons from Mount Stupid June 24 | 09:00 am – 11:00 (EDT) |
Journey to Excellence June 19 – 20, 2019 | Manchester, United Kingdom Join us for two days of inspirational keynotes, including a plenary session by Joseph Paris on being in a State of Readiness. |
State of Readiness Workshop Sept 12 – 13, 2019 | Omaha, NE The Operational Excellence Society, together with the Iowa Lean Consortium, are excited to invite you to join us for this unique 2-day Masterclass and Workshop based on the groundbreaking book, “State of Readiness” by Joseph Paris. |
Operational Excellence Week Canada October 21- 23, 2019 | Toronto, Canada Join Joseph Paris at this excellent event where he will be delivering a Workshop as based on his groundbreaking book “State of Readiness”. Register now and receive a copy of the book for free at the event! |
Unpacking Packaging Costs by David K. Schneider Packaging is everywhere. Almost everything that we buy comes packaged in some form. New cars are packaged in protective films for transport. The jeans on the store shelf came in a corrugated paperboard box. Even the fresh fruit at the farmer’s market arrived in a box, and you took it home in a bag. The trend of the YouTube unboxing videos is driving new attention to packaging. The unboxing experience, along with a quick initial review of the product by product influencers, is becoming a decision point for consumers. While Amazon drives the marketplace with 2-day delivery, a significant portion of ecommerce platforms is shifting focus from rapid delivery to enhancing the unboxing experience as a differentiator to Amazon. Read More |
The Power of Leadership at High Performance Organizations by Jonathan Escobar The power of leadership at High-Performance Organizations is found in the essence of Servant Leadership, the alternative approach to the “default” model most common in society until now: The Command and Control Leadership Model. Taking a look at it, we may even better understand what Servant Leadership means and why it needs to be the basic thinking for leaders in High-Performance Organizations. |
Operational Excellence Society |
“Thank you for being a valued reader. Please feel free to contact me if you have any
questions or comments related to this publication – or if you might be interested in
an article for consideration in |
Leading in Tough Times – The Role of Systems Thinking |
Although fraught with great peril, our intrepid hosts open-up the podcast to call-ins. What can go wrong? Well, everything can go wrong. But in spite of the incredible odds, our first call-in episode went rather well. So well, in fact, that the call-in format will be our new standard format for the show. In this first call-in episode, we will discuss the challenges faced when authority to effect transformation does not exist, but only influence – and the various approaches that might work under such circumstances. And yes, we wade into geo-politics; starting with Brexit and moving to tariffs and the negative impact on businesses and their behavior when a lack of predictability exists. Listen now! |
In this episode of State of Readiness, we speak with Steve Waszak, Vice President of Operational Excellence at Green Group Industries about organizational alignment. For Steve, establishing organizational alignment was key to the transformation that he facilitated during his first two years in his role in OpEx. We discuss some of the things that need to be in place including the challenges associated with trying to get and keep everyone aligned. One silo-busting exercise example Steve will share is the value of a good roadmap and engaging exercises including generating the Measurement Matrix. This had everyone in each functional area pick one measure for every other functional area that was a key indicator of the health of the relationship between their functional areas. In addition to his role as Vice President, and in the realm of “who invented these obscure things”, Steve and his brother invented the small piece of metal in the bag that made microwave popcorn possible – and what they are up to now. |
8.5 “Must Know” Career Tips & Tricks (v.Done) I have been an entrepreneur and in business – nonstop – since 1985. And over the course of those 30-plus years, I have gained a lot of experience. But as the saying goes; “Experience is the most difficult teacher, she gives the test first and teaches the lesson after.” So I can say, with some degree of certainty, that I have made every mistake a business person could make. Sometimes, I would repeat the mistake just to be certain. Fortunately, I always realized that what I did not know was a lot. And I never hesitated to seek guidance if I was unsure or simply did not know. And even more fortunate, several people came across my path who became invaluable mentors to me. Although I need them less than I did in the past, they still make themselves available – especially as sounding boards upon whom I can rely to give me unfiltered guidance. Over the course of time, I have become a mentor myself. It is one of the very best ways of which I can think to “give back”, or even “pay it forward”. I especially enjoy offering young people who are fresh from school mentorship as they embark upon their careers. And it is usually this time of year – when students are recently graduated and looking for that first entry-level job in their chosen profession where I get the most requests for guidance. |
Professional Organizations |