You Are Unique, but Not Special

You Are Unique, but Not Special

In my article, “Build Organizational Capacity and Capability – For Free”, I listed several root-causes for training and education programs reaching a “stall speed” and a detailed approach for avoiding it.  Among the root-causes listed were; time, expense, work/learning balance, scalability, retention rate, and atrophy. But there is considerable risk to the program even prior…

McKinsey & Company logo

Unleashing the power of small, independent teams

McKinsey and Company poses that small, independent teams are the lifeblood of the agile organization and that top executives can unleash them by driving ambition, removing red tape, and helping managers adjust to the new norms. But on a deeper level, what exactly does it take to set loose the independent teams that make agile organizations…

Harvard Business Review

Mentoring for career development

This article means that mentoring programs are aimed at assisting participants with career management but questions just how can a mentor help. It also gives some helpful activities to assist with career development conversations, because it further means that career management involves assessing the current situation and making informed decisions about the future… Read more

Harvard Business Review

Execution Is a People Problem, Not a Strategy Problem

HBR examines and reveals the root problems of strategy execution, largely identified as having to do with “people” – and not the strategy itself. This article means that however hard it is to devise a smart strategy, it’s ten times harder to get people to execute on that strategy. In other words, your organization’s biggest strategy…

Harvard Business Review

Bring in Outside Experts to Mentor Your Team

Harvard Business Review takes a look at the benefits of bringing in outside experts to contribute technical expertise that an organization does not already have to a critical project or initiative. These independent, temporary workers are also referred to as “agile talent”. HBR means that since organizations depend increasingly on this subset of freelancers, the benefits of such agile…