Time to rethink Just-In-Time

Time to rethink Just-In-Time

Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory and manufacturing systems are management strategies where replenishment orders of raw materials, assemblies, and finished goods are based on production schedules; which themselves are based on real customer orders that are due at specific dates (even times).  The objective is to increase efficiency and effectiveness by decreasing the waste associated with carrying…

News analysis: Chaos is the new normal for supply chain

News analysis: Chaos is the new normal for supply chain

Supply chains are global, and the world is shrinking, meaning a shock to one part is a shock to the whole. And the shocks to supply just keep coming … Just as scientists and public health officials are daring to suggest the Covid pandemic might be entering its end-game, so China announces strict new lockdown measures,…

Manufacturing’s Big Rethink: A Shift in Approaches, Attitudes, Investments

Manufacturing’s Big Rethink: A Shift in Approaches, Attitudes, Investments

Amid supply chain woes and inflation, five priorities for companies. Manufacturing companies are going through a fundamental rethink of their supply chain structures and long-term talent development plans as they look toward a post-COVID future. There is also a structural shift in priorities, attitudes and investments related to environmental consciousness. While ongoing inflation pains will…

High inflation: uncharted waters for supply management

High inflation: uncharted waters for supply management

With a long period of price increases possible, a proactive approach can help procurement professionals weather the storm. A growing economy. A tight labor market. Two of the biggest telltale signs of inflation have been evident in recent months, and concerns have been further fueled by two factors: tariffs and trade turbulence stemming from the Trump administration’s…


Furniture retailers forge new supply chain practices as backlogs, risks prevail

India, Turkey and Mexico are among the new sourcing destinations emerging as companies seek to mitigate risks. Last year — amid port backups, container shortages and other supply chain nightmares — retailers and brands turned to the skies, sending demand for air cargo in 2021 up nearly 7% compared to 2019 by one estimate. Shipping shirts and…