Monthly Newsletter

Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter – October 2023

Operational Excellence By DesignTM 2023 October         Monthly Musing Connecting With Us Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris Safety comes third… At a conference, a speaker was sharing about his company and their values. The last value listed was “Safety” to which he stated; “And at ACME Company, safety comes first.”  I asked;…

Monthly Newsletter

Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter – September 2023

Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2023 September ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Monthly Musing Connecting With Us Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris Article: Design Thinking for Operational ExcellenceTM It has been a while since I have witnessed something new with the potential to be transformative in Operational Excellence; but the introduction of Design Thinking into these disciplines…