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The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed

Founder of multiple of startups, and nurturer to many more, Bill Gross was curious why some startups succeeded and others failed. So he gathered data and researched hundreds of organizations, including his own, and ranked each using five key factors. Gross found one key factor that stood out from all the other reasons why startups succeed. His finding surprised us all,…

Making guns at home: Ready, print, fire
The Economist examines the regulatory and legal challenges posed by the 3D printing of gun parts. This, as a reaction to what happened when a law student at the University of Texas leased a Stratasys 3D printer, with the aim of wanting to print a gun. The law student in question, Mr Wilson’s motives are…

Ernesto Sirolli: Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!

Sustainable development expert Ernesto Sirolli began his aid work career in Africa in the 70s. The 7 years he spent there has served as the lens through which he views all his work to this day. In his humorous yet passionate TED Talk, Ernesto Sirolli insists that, when stepping in to help somebody or solve…

Lean management or agile? The right answer may be both
Has there even been a time when customers were more demanding of the companies serving them? Industry 4.0 technologies—many barely imaginable only a decade ago—have already enabled genuine breakthroughs in cost, convenience, and customization, creating extraordinary value for buyers while raising the performance bar for producers ever higher. And then there’s the volatility that never entirely disappears,…

5 Ways To Build A High-Performance Team
Forbes contributor Joseph Folkman begs the question in this article centered around the construction of High-Performance teams: What behaviors do team leaders exhibit that create these extraordinary teams? In an attempt to answer the question on every worthy leader’s lips, five factors which describe the behaviors of leaders who run such high-performance teams are outlined in…

Navigating the labor mismatch in US logistics and supply chains
Structural shifts in the labor market have left companies struggling to recruit and retain workers. But a set of concrete actions can help address this imbalance across value chains. As the US economy recovers post-pandemic, demand for labor has outstripped supply. Companies are facing the “Great Attrition,” coupled with increased competition for labor. The transportation and…