Operational Excellence is a state of readiness that is attained as the efforts throughout the organization reach a state of alignment for achieving its strategies; and where the corporate culture is committed to the continuous and deliberate improvement of company performance AND the circumstances of those who work there – to pursue ‘Operational Excellence by Design‘, and not by coincidence.
Joseph F Paris Jr; Founder

Email Management is not the problem. Management is.
It is time for the top leadership in organizations of all sizes to recognize that an ad-hoc approach to managing e-mail is highly inefficient and an enormous drag on human resources. E-mail management: the prioritization, planning and archiving of e-mail should be systemized and standardized in every organization.
When did Thinking Fall out of Fashion?
In the quest for continuous improvement and the desire for increasing levels of control, coupled with a fundamental lack of development for leaders at all levels, are we eschewing the capabilities of our employees by creating rigid systems of rules that may not be as effective as we once thought and; in a much more…

Right-Sizing your Current State Assessment
Right-Sizing your Current State Assessment Clients come to us when they need to redesign their business processes, and one thing is generally true of them all: they believe they need to do an in-depth current state assessment before they put pen to whiteboard to design the future state. They are surprised to learn that not…

Intelligent process automation: The engine at the core of the next-generation operating model
McKinsey & Company reconsiders intelligent process automation in this must-read article. Outlining the five key technologies of full intelligent process automation, they share with us how to properly use them to enhance productivity and efficiency, reduce operational risks, and improve customer experiences. This is especially important in the digital age, as organizations are heeded to constantly and…
Avoiding Budget Business Insanity
Budget business insanity in government, public and private sectors is said to be the practice of management trying to reduce cost this year while still using last year’s processes.

Why Lean Fails
Global competition is at such a dynamic level that any day lost without operations improvement imperils the company’s economic livelihood. To out pace the aggressive environment, companies must create a competitive advantage that establishes greater stakeholder value through radical improvements in product and process. One of the most prominent methods currently being utilized by many companies to…