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Business and Bureaucracy: Snipping off the Shackles

Nigeria’s large population and oil reserves see it well placed for international business. However, instead of being inundated with international business interest, misgovernment, rampant corruption and dismal infrastructure have been found to kill off any appeal the country had. In 2003, the World Bank has begun publishing a “Doing Business” survey, comparing countries in terms…

How a Dashboard Transformed Technical Leads

How a Dashboard Transformed Technical Leads

Alpha Corporation is an influential, complex regulatory organization where technical leads have been turned into effective project managers using a simple data-driven dashboard.  The corporation now consistently and quickly delivers value-added, low-risk software in support of its business mission. On a daily basis, the senior Vice President (VP) of Technology meets with key project managers (PMs)…

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Tim Jackson: An Economic Reality Check

Tim Jackson – internationally esteemed economist and researcher – studies the relationships between lifestyle, societal values, and the environment. In this TED-Talk, Jackson takes a look at the concept of prosperity and highlights the notion of global prosperity being a shared endeavor. He juxtaposes our often narrow definition of prosperity with our bleak, resource-poor future….

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The Future of the Internet: A Virtual Counter-Revolution

As it stands, it appears that not only have we come full circle with regard to the internet but that we are now, in fact, entering somewhat of a counter-revolution. It originated with the purpose of connecting people and breaking down communication barriers. A large portion of the success of the internet today is a…

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Fake Drugs: Poison Pills

One thing that can be said for counterfeit or fake drugs these days it that, according to recent reports, they don’t discriminate. Knock-off medications were once an issue largely unique to poorer countries; however, wealthier countries are now reporting problems along these lines too. The escalating issue has subsequently inspired a few raised eyebrows within…