Control Supresses Engagement

I know a successful global corporation where the Employee Engagement scores consistently range between 20 to 30 percent, and sometimes reach 40.  Whatever new training or policies they institute, Engagement stays stuck.  However, one division has Engagement scores in the 90s.  No one elsewhere understands, even when it is explained to them.  What’s present in the one division that’s…

21st Century Change Agent: The CEO as a Social Architect by Stephen Long

Transformation efforts fail due to many reasons. Usually there’s a lack of urgency, or executives underestimate the power of resistance or are just too complacent. The bottom line is that most CEOs fail to master change-agent skills. The 21st Century is proving to be a turbulent, volatile era and chief executives who’ll successfully lead their organizations…

Change or Perish; The Future is Guaranteed to No One by Stephen Long

“When you’re through changing, you’re through.” – Bruce Barton (Early 20th Century Advertising Executive) Ahh, consultants!—purveyors of ideas, concepts and theoretical models. As I am considered a member of this distinguished fraternity, I realize that at times we create more problems than solutions. Take change, for example. Most clients want projects completed quickly at the lowest cost possible….; Change-agent of Retail & Logistics; Change-agent of Retail & Logistics

I grew up in Endicott, New York.  Its claim to fame is being the birthplace of International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).  In the mid-60’s through the mid-80’s, Washington Avenue (the main retail district) – also known simply as “The Ave” – was a-buzz with retail activities from family-owned retailers such as Burt’s (a department store) and Kline’s (a…