Effective vs. Efficient – When it Comes to Defining Quality

Effective vs. Efficient – When it Comes to Defining Quality

Many people confuse effectiveness with efficiency. Organizations strive to be more efficient and in doing so, forget about how effective their actions really are. It should not come as a surprise that often the price for greater efficiency is less effectiveness. One of the first steps to take is to understand what efficiency and effectiveness…

Rapid Improvement through Benchmarking

Rapid Improvement through Benchmarking

Do you benchmark?  Do you use benchmarks?  What’s the difference and why should you care? The answers to these questions depends first on the context: are you a surveyor, a geo-cacher, a technician measuring computer performance … or a leader or change-agent concerned with improving an organization’s performance?  This article is aimed at those of you in the…

Why Lean Fails

Why Lean Fails

Global competition is at such a dynamic level that any day lost without operations improvement imperils the company’s economic livelihood.  To out pace the aggressive environment, companies must create a competitive advantage that establishes greater stakeholder value through radical improvements in product and process.  One of the most prominent methods currently being utilized by many companies to…