Scaling and Sustaining Your Education and Training Program

Scaling and Sustaining Your Education and Training Program

I have been helping companies design and deploy their Operational Excellence (ā€œOpExā€) and Continuous Improvement (ā€œCIā€) programs for a very long time.  Mind you, I was not born with this knowledge.  Rather I gained this knowledge by working with companies and observing the challenges they faced and helping them to overcome those challenges ā€“ and…

personal case study

Operational Excellence ā€“ A Personal Case Study

I write often about Operational Excellence.  How we live in a world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA).  How time is the enemy of the 21st century company and that the organization that knows and trusts its capabilities (and also where they are lacking) is better prepared to synthesize decisions from imperfect data ā€“…

artificual intelligence

Artificial Intelligence; The Next ā€œUndiscovered Countryā€

In William Shakespeareā€™s ā€œThe Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarkā€ (usually referred to simply as ā€œHamletā€), the main character, Hamlet, uses the phrase ā€œundiscovered countryā€ to refer to what lies beyond the grave ā€“ the afterlife ā€“ and our lack of knowledge of it, and our fear of it.  As it is with death, so…


Reading is fundamental, but comprehension is important too

The art of debate has devolved.  No longer is it used as a tool of discovery, understanding, reconciliation, and progress.  Today, it is a tool used to beat one another into submission ā€“ with the wholesale surrender of the beliefs and values held by one party over the other being the goal. Whatā€™s worse, the…