LEY – ANTI LEY: TRIZ (Spanish Edition)
El artículo está dedicado al mejoramiento del sistema de leyes del desarrollo de los objetos. La tesis fundamental del artículo es que el desarrollo de los sistemas se da en direcciones opuestas. En consecuencia cada Ley del desarrollo de los sistemas debe estudiarse en direcciones opuestas.
More info →People Solve Problems: The Power of Every Person, Every Day, Every Problem
Every person in every function of every organization is involved in solving problems. They show up in your email inbox, in meetings, in your own work. They are strategic and tactical, mundane and breakthrough, easy and difficult. Most organizations want to, and need to, improve their people's problem-solving efforts, and so they offer them tools, templates, and training. Yet this is not where the leverage for impact is found. People Solve Problems: The Power of Every Person, Every Day, Every Problem explores the real leverage to improve your problem solving.
In the first section of the book, we explore the problem with problem solving, including both the value and limits of tools and templates. We also explore the marriage of problem solving and standards. Building on that start, People Solve Problems is built on four primary domains. After setting up the challenge, we start by exploring People-Centered Capabilities. These capabilities are tool agnostic, equally applicable to any chosen problem-solving method or no method at all. This includes a wide range of capabilities from creating problem statements to integrating intuition into problem solving. Next, we cover Problem-Solving Culture. These chapters outline the culture needed in the organization or the personal behaviors you must master to be successful in problem solving. The behaviors explored range from deliberately learning through problem solving to building transparency, vulnerability, and trust.
In the third section, we dive into Success through Coaching. Problem solving is unlike other practices, training is incredibly insufficient, and coaching is the major driver of success. This section addresses the why, who, when, where, and of course the important how of coaching. Finally, we explore the Role of the Leader, whether the CEO or a team leader, in building an environment where problem solving can thrive. The leader must be the architect of their problem-solving systems, a shaper of culture, and a framer of problems.
Problem-solving effectiveness is critical to success for both the problems you already know about and those you have not yet experienced. People Solve Problems will help you, and those you lead, to be more effective now and in the future.
More info →Enfoque de sistemas: Teoría para Resolver Problemas de Inventiva (TRIZ) (Spanish Edition)
En este libro se describe un enfoque sistémico. Se abordan definiciones básicas como: pensamiento sistémico, teoría de sistemas, análisis y síntesis del sistema. El concepto de sistemas y sus componentes se analizan como una to-talidad integral, una propiedad y una posición, también como un sistema técni-co y antropogénico. Además, se caracterizan las funciones, procesos, flujos y jerarquías del sistema.
Se presenta el concepto de consistencia y requerimientos del sistema, mientras que el operador del sistema se describe tomando en cuenta cualquier cambio y sus efectos en el sistema.
Posteriormente el contenido se centra en el análisis y síntesis de sistemas, así como en el enfoque de sistemas para el diseño.
El análisis sistémico se usa para no dejar lagunas en la siguiente secuen-cia: análisis de componentes, análisis estructural, análisis funcional y análisis de diagnóstico.
Jolt!: Get Zapped into Intentionality: Rediscover and Believe in Your Inner Greatness
It's easy to get stuck in life...and business...and relationships. In Jolt! Larry Long Jr. helps you get unstuck and back on track to not only discovering your inner greatness, but embracing and living in it wholeheartedly.
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