TRIZ Body of Knowledge: for AI & MATRIZ
As the worldwide appreciation of TRIZ grows, its further development as a science is hindered by a number of factors. One of these factors is somewhat fuzzy boundaries of TRIZ. Unfortunately, there are currently no TRIZ textbooks or training programs that are universally accepted by the global TRIZ community. This leads to significant differences in the interpretation of some key concepts, tools and approaches of TRIZ (and in some cases to their corruption). In addition, it makes it very difficult to meet an increasingly tangible need in a globally authoritative certification of TRIZ practitioners. To improve the situation, the International TRIZ Association (MA TRIZ), the Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies (AI).
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This document represents a starting point for discussion on the Basics of TRIZ Knowledge — at first within the MATRIZ community, and then within the TRIZ community as a whole. Each participant of this discussion may give his/her notes, comments, objections, and amendments — these will be thoroughly analyzed and might be integrated into subsequent versions of this document.
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