The Primes
The "primes" are universal and unavoidable patterns of group behavior that emerge whenever people attempt to transform systems or collaborate to solve complex problems. Every change agent has felt their effect, but few can recognize, anticipate, and manage them. Unacknowledged, the primes can put any leadership agenda at risk. Once mastered, the primes become a force that drives intended outcomes. The Primes is a field manual for anyone ready to step up to serious challenges, predict and manage inevitable problems, create a brighter future, and produce extraordinary results.
The “primes” are universal and unavoidable patterns of groupbehavior that emerge whenever people attempt to transform systemsor collaborate to solve complex problems. Every change agent hasfelt their effect, but few can recognize, anticipate, and managethem. Unacknowledged, the primes can put any leadership agenda atrisk. Once mastered, the primes become a force that drives intendedoutcomes. The Primes is a field manual for anyone ready tostep up to serious challenges, predict and manage inevitableproblems, create a brighter future, and produce extraordinaryresults.
An essential guide for 21st century problem solvers and changeagents, The Primes unveils 46 universal secrets ofhow to:
- Tackle complex problems successfully and deliver extraordinaryresults on time
- Forge lasting consensus among competing interests and keepteams focused and productive
- Recognize and eliminate the most destructive forces in anorganization
- Establish cultures of integrity
The Primes gives leaders the edge they need to succeed.Once the primes are revealed, you’ll see them everywhere!