global carbon markets

A Primer on the Global Carbon Markets

In December 1997, members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiated the Kyoto Protocol that established emissions reductions for the developed and developing nations that ratified the Protocol.  The Protocol went into force in February 2005 after Russia ratified it in November 2004. The U.S. did not ratify the Protocol because it set no emission limits for China or India. The Kyoto Protocol…

Identifying Risk Across the Enterprise – Part 7

Identifying Risk Across the Enterprise – Part 7

EnterpriseIn the January 1, 2009 edition of CFO Magazine , an article entitled Rethinking Riskreferenced a recent survey of 125 CFO’s.  The survey reports that 62% of the respondents blame the financial crisis on “risk management’s inability to understand complex financial instruments”.  It states that nearly 75% of the executives rank risk management ahead of many key issues facing the…


“So – Are you telling me you’re going out of business…?”

This is a question that I recently felt compelled to flat-out ask a COO of a publicly traded Fortune 500 company in response to a series of comments he made to me during an engagement interview. His shocked response was, “Of course not…!” There was obviously a disconnect someplace. To be sure, we are living…