State of Readiness; Pavle Sabic, Tell Me More Ventures

State of Readiness; Pavle Sabic, Tell Me More Ventures

I welcome Pavle Sabic to my first-ever audio and video production of State of Readiness.  We talk about the human side of business; how to get more joy out of work, how to make it more joyous for others.  And we talk about a company’s workforce and how organizations are constructed needs to change.  Pavle…

The Outliers Inn;  Episode 50 – Coming Out Of COVID-19

The Outliers Inn; Episode 50 – Coming Out Of COVID-19

Our Golden Anniversary – Celebrating our 50th Episode. Topic: Antlerboy and JP celebrate the 50th episode of The Outliers Inn.  The theme of today’s show is “coming out of COVID-19” and we will be talking about our plans for re-entering society after government-imposed lockdowns.  JP, being blessed with abundant hair even with his years, shares that…

The Outliers Inn; Resolutions for the New Year

The Outliers Inn; Resolutions for the New Year

Topic:  We do another theme-based episode, this time on “New Year’s Resolutions”.  It doesn’t matter whether they are funny or serious ones, but it does matter that your word and resolve is so useless that you can’t keep a promise to yourself.  In that case, you might not even have any resolutions.  But if you do,…

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Why the secret to success is setting the right goals

Our leaders and institutions are failing us, but it’s not always because they’re bad or unethical, says venture capitalist John Doerr – often, it’s simply because they’re leading us toward the wrong objectives. In this practical talk, Doerr shows us how we can get back on track with “Objectives and Key Results,” or OKRs –…