
The Benefits of Glocalization

“Glocalization” is a portmanteau, or blending, of “globalization” and “localization”.  It is the idea of acting with global intent but with local adaptations; the notion of “think globally, but act locally.”  The glocalization of your business will result in a standardization of the various processes and procedures under which your business operates – and they…

People-Centric Digitalization

People-Centric Digitalization

Technology is everywhere; pervasive and inescapable.  Intended to make lives and work easier, less boring, and safer, while simultaneously accelerating the ways we interact with one another and doing business.  But as with the introduction of anything “new”, there is a level of anxiety that is felt by the people the technology will touch.  It’s…

Harvard Business Review

Virtual Meetings Don’t Have to Be a Bore

As working from home become part of a new normal and social distancing is something the world has to learn to practice, virtual meetings are replacing physical meetings in every business of every kind. It could be said that virtual meetings can be painfully boring but, at as Andy Molinsky, writing the Harvard Business Review…

Supporting Human Work – Digitally.

Supporting Human Work – Digitally.

Chances are, when we were growing up, our parents would express their being thankful for a “Guardian Angel” and keeping us safe from harm and generally looking out for our well-being.  Certainly, some Guardian Angels seemed to have to work much harder than others. Today, we rely far less on poltergeists, apparitions, and the spirit…

Three People-Centered Design Principles for Deep Learning

Three People-Centered Design Principles for Deep Learning

Assumptions lead to the mother all F@!$ ups. We are overwhelmed by data and using it correctly is essential. Your customers and brands can be hurt and damaged due to bad data and AI systems that have not been thought through. This represents a new and very real challenge for businesses to address. Everything from…