Scaling and Sustaining Your Education and Training Program

Scaling and Sustaining Your Education and Training Program

I have been helping companies design and deploy their Operational Excellence (“OpEx”) and Continuous Improvement (“CI”) programs for a very long time.  Mind you, I was not born with this knowledge.  Rather I gained this knowledge by working with companies and observing the challenges they faced and helping them to overcome those challenges – and…

McKinsey & Company logo

Redefining the role of the leader in the reskilling era

For individuals and organizations to get ahead and stay ahead there must be a culture of continuous learning in the workplace.  For leaders, this creates a new set of challenges and further demands as they effectively take on a new and slightly unfamiliar role of Learning facilitator-in-chief.  McKinsey discusses, delves into and begins to define…

innovation quality

The sad reality of “quality” today: How innovation and growth creates waste and inefficiencies

In the late 1970s, “quality” began to evolve from its historically “Neanderthal” passive inspection approach to its current “Cro-Magnon,” more pro-active, project-based approach “bolted-on” to the current operational status quo.  Joseph Juran was a pioneer in such efforts. Various subsequent adaptations such as Six Sigma and Lean evolved it further; but, over time, it has…

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The promise and challenge of the age of artificial intelligence

McKinsey & Co means that embracing AI promises considerable benefits for businesses and economies through its contributions to productivity growth and innovation. At the same time, AI’s impact on work is likely to be profound. Some occupations as well as demand for some skills will decline, while others grow and many change as people work…