Provides the foundation and tools that are essential for an enterprise to bring Operational Excellence into their organizational culture; gain maximum results, benefits and value
Operational Excellence is increasingly being embraced by organizations committed to achieving best results in their field and to gain and sustain safety and operational performance. It includes organizational leadership, structure and working culture imperatives. All are integrated with the application of vital principles, systems, and tools to gain sustainable improvement as demonstrated by key performance metrics.
The book begins with a clear definition of Operational Excellence, principles and objectives. From there it details the process and procedures to develop, implement, refine and sustain an Operational Excellence program that successfully gains maximum results and benefits. Operational Excellence addresses and provides valuable information to people within enterprises at various levels of maturity in Operational Excellence. Included are those with programs already in place seeking to refine their knowledge to people who have only heard the term and want to learn how it might be applied. For both groups, and all in between, Operational Excellence provides essential organizing and implementing information to gain maximum value and success in today’s intense operating environment.
Based on approximately twenty years worldwide experience, the book builds from the essential nature of safety, health, environmental excellence to gain greatest operations excellence and value. Operational Excellence:
• Directs how a company can achieve greatly improved operating performance, results and value
• Defines detailed processes and procedures that utilize familiar, mandatory requirements for safety, health and environmental excellence to achieve operations performance excellence
• Details program development from concept to sustainability satisfying knowledge requirements of all levels in the organization
• Develops methodology for defining program objectives; developing improvement strategy; identifying and prioritizing improvement opportunities; implementing improvement plans; and monitoring, refining and sustaining results
This book provides a clear roadmap and detailed guidance to gain Operational Excellence. It covers the areas in which operating enterprises must achieve highest performance to gain maximum efficiency, effectiveness, value and results. Operational Excellence describes how the familiar imperatives of safety, health and environmental performance translate into essential organizing and implementing details that will take an operating enterprise to the highest levels of, efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. All greater than previously possible with function specific initiatives and essential for success in the intense operating environment that exists today and will exist into the future.
John Mitchell has held a wide range of executive, managerial and technical positions over the course of his 40 year professional career. He has been a strong, visible advocate for the development and implementation of business, technical, and operating strategies for Operational Excellence, Physical Asset Management, Reliability and Maintenance improvement. He has delivered numerous presentations and workshops throughout the world stressing the necessity, financial and business benefits of optimizing organizational culture and work processes. In semi retirement he provides mentoring and coaching for organizations committed to improving the effectiveness and productivity of their operations.