What can health systems do to encourage physicians to embrace virtual care?

What can health systems do to encourage physicians to embrace virtual care?

With changing health care reimbursement models, growing consumer demand, and advances in digital technologies, virtual care is a must-have for health systems. But how can hospitals and health systems gain physician buy-in? Deloitte means that it might be easier than you thought… Read more

patient profitability

Measuring and Managing Patient Profitability

“The greatest wealth is health” (Virgil, Ancient Roman poet). There is nothing more important than taking care of ourselves and each other. However, focusing a health system on the appropriate goals in a complex political and social environment requires investment in the right combination of time, money, intellect, and creativity. Government agencies are bringing pressure…

The US healthcare system – compared to other countries

The US healthcare system – compared to other countries

The Guardian reports that despite US legislation in 2010 that moved the country closer to achieving universal healthcare, costs have continued to rise and nearly 26 million Americans are still uninsured according to the Congressional Budget Office. As Republicans decide whether to repeal or replace the struggling healthcare policy, how does the existing US healthcare…

Harvard Business Review

How Systems Engineering Can Help Fix Health Care

Intensive care physician Peter Pronovost and chief engineers Alan Ravitz and Conrad Grant, contrasts the way we build hospitals to the approcah taken by an aircraft manufacturer upon deciding to create a new model. Where the former typically happens in a piecemeal, patchwork approach, the latter doesn’t ask pilots and crew to identify the best cabin, wings, jet engines, and other parts, to…